Category: Education

All Career College Education Essay Writing General Writing
September 27, 2016 College

Best Music to Write Essays to: Focus, Think, Write

If you’re like most students, writing can be frustrating, especially if you’re tense, stressed, or facing a looming due date for an important essay. The answer to staying focused and tapping into your creative juices may be as nearby as your earbud
September 20, 2016 College

Skills You Need for College

You have finally made it to high school graduation and college is looming large in the near future. But are you ready? You know your way around a scientific calculator, and you can write a killer research paper, but do you have
August 16, 2016 College

How to Write a Narrative Essay

The word “essay” elicits two very different kinds of reaction from college students. Some are thrilled by the prospect of getting to create a unique piece of writing. Others become apprehensive about failing to tell an engaging story and getting their
August 2, 2016 College

4 Steps to a Winning Admission Essay

A college admissions essay is perhaps one of the most important documents a person will ever write. Believe it. Admissions committees (typically made up of the very professors with whom you want to work) will absolutely read your submission—and then
blogs for esl learners
August 24, 2015 Education

Helpful Blogs for ESL Learners

Learning English isn’t easy. There are so many exceptions to the grammar rules, strange pairings of vowels and consonants, the dreaded “th” sound that’s common throughout the language yet hard for non-native speakers to pronounce. Yet, English
why teachers should start blogging
July 10, 2015 Education

5 Reasons Teachers Should Start Writing a Blog

Are you thinking about starting your own teacher’s blog? You know that digital technology is sweeping classrooms on a global basis, creating blended learning environments. And you also know that to stay effective as a teacher you need to embrace some
writing in education tips
June 21, 2015 Education

Writing In Education: Tips and Resources

When you think about academic writing, what words come to mind? Inaccessible, stuffy and boring are some of the words I think of. Writing is a difficult craft no matter which genre you choose, but academic writing presents a special set of
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