Modern world study is more complicated than before. Most people think that student life is the best life to live, and after that, it becomes complicated. Though we cannot argue with the best life purpose, the statement is not totally true. Students
Part-time studying might seem like an easy walk but it is actually a challenge for one’s skills and discipline. If you struggle with low productivity and procrastination, you might want to read the following blog post on how to beat procrastination
There are many things to consider as a student in this modern world. Student life is the best life according to millions of people. But they say it from a particular point of view. They consider that student life is tension free
Proofreading is one of the most important steps of the essay writing process. It allows you to make even a mediocre essay shine by tailoring it and adding the missed details, while also correcting the mistakes. But if you choose to skip
Every student would love to have an opportunity to make some extra cash without spending much time or without leaving campus territory. Fortunately, nowadays it’s not that hard to make money while seating in your dorm room, even if you have only
Transferring colleges takes courage and effort. It’s always harder to start all over again, especially when you drastically change your major and your learning institution. And many transfer students are worried about their grades, social skills, daily
Making sure you have all of your belongings packed and checked before your next semester at college starts is important, but don’t forget that you need one more thing to be done. Get mentally ready for college. Yes, it might be even
Anxiety can really be hard to cope with. Being a student who suffers from anxiety is nothing like cakes and butterflies as in addition to stress and pressure you have some personal difficulties that you need to beat every single day. Penn
Some of you might be wondering about the necessity of writing so many essays, papers, reports, and analyses throughout your academic career. Do you really need it? Is this skill so important? Let’s find it out through the following blog post. What
Making out the most of your income and cutting down your expenses sometimes seem like a hard and challenging mission. Moreover, it might seem like a living with lots of limits and minimum fun. However, we can share with you some tips
Presentations are quite challenging in general – you need to write a speech, prepare your slides and plan your presentation from the beginning to the end. It takes much time, so you will be glad to know that there are a few
Perfectionism might be a useful thing when it comes to doing something as good as you can and putting effort into academic assignments or your job. However, sometimes perfectionism might cause serious issues, even mental health problems, stress, and
Any job that you will be applying for will have a list of requirements and skills for an employee to be able to fit the position. As you might already know all the skills can be divided into two categories – hard
College GPA is one of the things that cause the most stress among students. Many of them are tracking their GPA all the time, making sure they do their best, and get very sad when something goes not as it was planned.
As one semester ends, it’s a good time for students to spend some time thinking about the next semester and how they will prepare for their courses, and the obligations that come with a new semester. Many students don’t take the time