Fresh Essay Blog

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writing habits to avoid
November 21, 2014 General Writing

5 Writing Habits To Avoid

Writers never have an easy time of it. Often either unpaid or underpaid, they spend a lot of time toiling away in solitude just for the love of writing. Even when they’re successful, gaining publishing deals and fame, they’re not always
Read Right For Better Writing
November 7, 2014 General Writing

How To Read Right For Better Writing

You’ve heard it a hundred times, haven’t you? If you want to become a better writer, you need to read more. And it’s not just good advice for professional writers either. Writing well helps anyone to communicate better, to express their thoughts
Blogs Writers Should follow
October 24, 2014 General Writing

17 Blogs Writers Should Follow

You can see it in your mind’s eye, can’t you? Your name boldly embossed on the jacket of your first novel. Or your sparkling blog posts, with first page rankings on Google, over and over again. Well, if you yearn to become
self-publishing myths
September 19, 2014 General Writing

5 Self-Publishing Myths Debunked by Writers

It’s confusing, isn’t it? There’s so much written on both sides of the fence about self-publishing, it’s hard to know fact from fancy. Myths and stories abound about the pitfalls and pinnacles of the independent authors’ efforts to publish their creative
Writing Tips College
April 16, 2014 Essay Writing

7 Writing Tips You Will Never Hear in College

Most students learn how to write by composing essays, term papers and research projects for history, literature, political science and other classes. Writing classes themselves tend to be filled with people who already love to write and who simply want
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