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humb male vs female
January 21, 2014 General Writing

Male vs. Female Writers [Infographic]

Just like J.K. Rowling, many other female writers still choose to be published under fake male names, and here comes the question: “Does this really help to make it to the top?” Or, “Is there a gender bias in the publishing world?”
August 1, 2013 Education

Teaching ESL students to write in English

Teaching ESL students how to write in English and giving them confidence in doing so, is a hell of a job. It’s also a very satisfying job once a student is on his way and making good progress. Showing your students you enjoy teaching them will be the
July 24, 2013 College

20 Laziest (But Effective) College Life Hacks

You know the drill – you sit down to seriously work – for real this time! – on that paper that's due on Tuesday. Three hours later you've gone through another four levels on a FaceBook game, commented on a status update from your ex, watched a video
April 25, 2013 General Writing

5 Tips: Writing for Book Promotion

Many authors think that once they have written their book, the hard work is over. Unfortunately, that isn't the case. Whether you decide to go through a publishing house or self publish your book, getting information out into the world about your book
April 18, 2013 Essay Writing

How to Improve Your Essay Writing

The composition studies scholar David Bartholomae once wrote, “Every time a student sits down to write for us, (s)he has to invent the university. . .The student has to learn to speak our language, to speak as we do, to try on the peculiar ways of knowing,
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